Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Jon Jones and Daniel Cormier Scuffle

Usually when I read headlines about fighters having an "altercation" during a face off, it's usually a finger pointing, chest jabbing, war of words that are just out to get a shock and awe effect to build hype for a fight. That's exactly what I thought when I read that Jon Jones and Daniel Cormier had a "brawl" during a UFC 178 media  session. Knowing I was going to fall into another misleading headline, I fell into the trap anyway.

I couldn't have been more wrong. I first read a few sentences of the article before being shown an Instagram video. The video shows the two fighters walking towards one another. Jones gets in Cormier's face, as he does with all challengers he has faced thus far. Apparently, Cormier did not appreciate that, and grabbed Jones by the throat to push him away. Jones then retaliated and shoved Cormier before taking a swing and the two ultimately falling off of the stage to continue the scuffle before being separated. I was blown away! It was even more interesting to see the two try and calm themselves before going on ESPN to give their thoughts on the brawl. Jones, in true champion form, apologized to his fans, the UFC, Dana White, and the MGM Grand for what happened. Cormier, on the other hand, put all blame on Jones and continued by saying, "the whole incident, I don't care about the incident. I care about Sept. 27, becoming the UFC light heavyweight champion, whatever. He's weak. He's a punk, he's a liar, he's dishonest. He's a whole bunch of things that he should not be proud of being." 

Were you surprised that the brawl took place? Was Jones right in retaliating the way he did? What do you think of Cormier's verbal response in the interview? Post your thoughts below!

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